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SAP BR*TOOL execution failed


Hi, last week due to migration our server was crashed. We built a new SAP server and when trying to restore the CONTROL FILE  from last successful  back up using the commvault tool, we are ending up with a error "SAP BR*TOOL execution failed"


Request help on this immediately.


The error log generated in commvault is as below.









Machine : abtmsasbkp01

File    : JobManager.log




12996 1154 08/25 12:03:23 47259 Servant    [---- IMMEDIATE RESTORE REQUEST ----] Task id [47259] Clnt[abtmssdq01] AppType[SAP for Oracle][61]

12996 cf0  08/25 12:03:24 47259 Scheduler  Phase [2-Restore] (0,0) started on [] - ClSapAgent.exe SAPRESTORE 47259 47259 -p 2

12996 1e7c 08/25 12:03:24 47259 Servant    Reg [Control] received. Host [] plattype = 4

12996 1e7c 08/25 12:03:28 47259 Scheduler  Set pending cause [sap BRRESTORE execution failed. Please, check the log file for details.]::Client [abtmssdq01] Application [ClSapAgent] Message Id [301989982] RCID [0] ReservationId [0].  Level [0] flags [0] id [0] overwrite [0] append [0] CustId[0].

12996 1e7c 08/25 12:03:29 47259 Scheduler  Phase [Failed] message received from [] Module [ClSapAgent] Token [] restartPhase [0]

12996 1e7c 08/25 12:03:29 47259 JobSvr Obj Phase [2-Restore] for Restore Job Failed and cannot be restarted.

12996 1e7c 08/25 12:03:29 47259 Scheduler   -> FAILED <-

12996 25ac 08/25 12:03:29 47259 Scheduler  Got delayed pending cause [318768440] for RCID [0], Reservation Id [0] from client [abtmssdq01] and application [ClSapAgent]::[Oracle Restore [sap BR*TOOL execution failed.








Machine : abtmssdq01

File    : ClSapAgent.log




1156 150 08/25 12:03:24 47259 OraAgentBase::Initialize1() - m_totalBytesDiff=[104857600].

1156 150 08/25 12:03:24 47259 OraAgentBase::Initialize1() - secondsToWait=30 mode=0 m_backup=2.

1156 150 08/25 12:03:24 47259 OraAgentBase::JobObjectInitialize() - [47259] getting the new m_jobObject for CommServer=<abtmsasbkp01>

1156 150 08/25 12:03:24 47259 ::Initialize2() - Initialize2: jobMode=2 SAP Oracle Restores...

1156 150 08/25 12:03:24 47259 ::Initialize2() - Initialize2: ClientHostName= ServerHostName=abtmsasbkp01

1156 150 08/25 12:03:24 47259 ClSapAgent::Initialize3() - job id at enter [47259]

1156 150 08/25 12:03:24 47259 ClSapAgent::Initialize3() - m_clientName=abtmssdq01

1156 150 08/25 12:03:24 47259 ClSapAgent::Initialize3() - CVClient::getCommCellId=2

1156 150 08/25 12:03:24 47259 ::JobControlInitialize() - [47259] getting the new m_jobControl for CommServer=<abtmsasbkp01>...

1156 150 08/25 12:03:24 47259 ::JobControlInitialize() - m_jobControl.init(CONTROL) ...

1156 150 08/25 12:03:24 47259 Init() - Initializing job control [token=,cn=abtmssdq01], serverName [abtmsasbkp01], ControlFlag [1], Job Id [47259]

1156 150 08/25 12:03:24 47259 CVJobCtrlLog::registerProcess(): successfuly created file [C:\Program Files\CommVault\Simpana\Base\JobControl\1.156]

1156 150 08/25 12:03:24 47259 JRCACHEDIR: job 47259 creating 'C:\Program Files\CommVault\Simpana\iDataAgent\JobResults\CV_JobResults\2\0\47259'

1156 150 08/25 12:03:24 47259 ::ExecuteBrRestore() - enter

1156 150 08/25 12:03:24 47259 ::ExecuteBrRestore() - After EvRstTask getAppTypeId=61 retCode=0

1156 150 08/25 12:03:24 47259 ::ExecuteBrRestore() - SAP RESTORE instId=13 clientId=9

1156 150 08/25 12:03:24 47259 ClOraAgent::InitializeOraParams() - oraUser[chqadm]

1156 150 08/25 12:03:24 47259 ::ExecuteBrRestore() - oraSID

1156 150 08/25 12:03:24 47259 ::ExecuteBrRestore() - oraUser

1156 150 08/25 12:03:24 47259 ::ExecuteBrRestore() - oraHome

1156 150 08/25 12:03:24 47259 ::ExecuteBrRestore() - getDestinationClientId returned [9] destination client id

1156 150 08/25 12:03:24 47259 ::ExecuteBrRestore() -  [13]  E m_initArgs.instanceId.

1156 150 08/25 12:03:24 47259 ClOraAgent::InitializeOraParams() - oraUser[chqadm]

1156 150 08/25 12:03:24 47259 ::ExecuteBrRestore() -  [13]  F m_initArgs.instanceId.

1156 150 08/25 12:03:24 47259 ::ExecuteBrRestore() - Success in init with JM

1156 150 08/25 12:03:24 47259 CVArchive::Construct() - Constructing CVArchive Object

1156 150 08/25 12:03:24 47259 CVArchive::Construct() - Enable CVArchive Big Buffer [true]

1156 150 08/25 12:03:24 47259 ::ExecuteBrRestore() - Before amgr.getArchFileListByTime(), clientId=9, instanceId=13, appType=61, before=2147483647

1156 150 08/25 12:03:25 47259 ::ExecuteBrRestore() - No of recs=75 snapRestore=0

1156 150 08/25 12:03:25 47259 ::ExecuteBrRestore() - Job=46327 CommCellId=2

1156 150 08/25 12:03:25 ##### JM Client  CVJobClient::initialize(): Invalid job id passed as parameter.

1156 150 08/25 12:03:25 47259 ::ExecuteBrRestore() - Job Init ok

1156 150 08/25 12:03:25 47259 getXmlBlob() call received xml [<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?><JobManager_BkpJobDetailsXml appType="61" compType="2" jobType="1"><sapOracleJob attribType="0"><dataAttributes backupMode="0" backupType="1" backupdevice="0" clockSkew="-1" detailFileName="G:\oracle\CHQ\sapbackup\beomwekx.aff" endTime="2014-08-13 02.46.03" startTime="2014-08-13 02.05.39" summaryFileName="G:\oracle\CHQ\sapbackup\backCHQ.log"/></sapOracleJob></JobManager_BkpJobDetailsXml>] for job 46327

1156 150 08/25 12:03:25 47259 ::ExecuteBrRestore() - Job=46327 CommCellId=2 [<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?><JobManager_BkpJobDetailsXml appType="61" compType="2" jobType="1"><sapOracleJob attribType="0"><dataAttributes backupMode="0" backupType="1" backupdevice="0" clockSkew="-1" detailFileName="G:\oracle\CHQ\sapbackup\beomwekx.aff" endTime="2014-08-13 02.46.03" startTime="2014-08-13 02.05.39" summaryFileName="G:\oracle\CHQ\sapbackup\backCHQ.log"/></sapOracleJob></JobManager_BkpJobDetailsXml>]

1156 150 08/25 12:03:25 47259 ::ExecuteBrRestore() - retCode from unserialize=0

1156 150 08/25 12:03:25 47259 ::ExecuteBrRestore() - FULL util_file beomwekx.aff 2014-08-13 02.05.39 2014-08-13 02.46.03

1156 150 08/25 12:03:25 47259 ::ExecuteBrRestore() - logRangeRman=<> logRangeUtil=<> logEndTime=<>

1156 150 08/25 12:03:25 47259 ::ExecuteBrRestore() - checking ....restoreData=0 restoreArchiveLog=0 recoverDb=0 restoreTime=0 recoverTime=0 restoreControlFile=1 openDatabase=0 resetLogs=0 restorePartial=0 revert=0 copyPrec=0 archLogBy=0 resetDatabase=0 logFromTime=0 logToTime=0 logStart=0 logEnd=0 numStreams=1 useRmanFull=0 rmanDetail=

1156 150 08/25 12:03:25 47259 SapJobProgress() - Constructor

1156 150 08/25 12:03:25 47259 ::ExecuteBrRestore() - Neighter Tablespace or ArchiveLogs are being restored...

1156 150 08/25 12:03:25 47259 ::GetNlsLang() - fetching registry key NLS_LANG

1156 150 08/25 12:03:25 47259 ::GetNlsLang() - registry key NLS_LANG not set therefore setting NLS_LANG to American_America.US7ASCII

1156 150 08/25 12:03:25 47259 OraChildProcess::Initialize() - enter

1156 150 08/25 12:03:25 47259 OraChildProcess::ReadBuf() - ReadFile: LastError=109

1156 150 08/25 12:03:25 47259 OraChildProcess::Wait() - Child OK

1156 150 08/25 12:03:25 47259 OraChildProcess::~OraChildProcess() - enter

1156 150 08/25 12:03:25 47259 OraChildProcess::~OraChildProcess() - exit

1156 150 08/25 12:03:25 47259 ::ExecuteBrRestore() - Database is in no mount mode.

1156 150 08/25 12:03:25 47259 ::ExecuteBrRestore() - restore_config: data summary file [G:\oracle\CHQ\sapbackup\backCHQ.log]

1156 150 08/25 12:03:25 47259 ::ExecuteBrRestore() - Invoking: [brrestore -d util_file -b2 \#NULL -m G:\oracle\CHQ\sapbackup\backCHQ.log -c force -u / ]

1156 150 08/25 12:03:25 47259 ::GetNlsLang() - fetching registry key NLS_LANG

1156 150 08/25 12:03:25 47259 ::GetNlsLang() - registry key NLS_LANG not set therefore setting NLS_LANG to American_America.US7ASCII

1156 150 08/25 12:03:25 47259 ClSapAgent::SetSapEnv() - SETENVIRONMENTVARIABLE(DIR_LIBRARY=D:\usr\sap\CHQ\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64)

1156 150 08/25 12:03:25 47259 ClSapAgent::FillNTEnv() - SETENVIRONMENTVARIABLE(CvClientName=abtmssdq01) set successfully

1156 150 08/25 12:03:25 47259 ClSapAgent::FillNTEnv() - SETENVIRONMENTVARIABLE(CvInstanceName=Instance001) set successfully

1156 150 08/25 12:03:25 47259 OraChildProcess::Initialize() - enter

1156 150 08/25 12:03:25 47259 OraChildProcess::BeginWait() - Rman thread with HNDL=314 TID=2840 EC=259 was created

1156 b18 08/25 12:03:25 47259 OraChildProcess::WaitThread() - start: thread Id=2840

1156 b18 08/25 12:03:25 47259 OraChildProcess::Wait() - Child process: dwExitCode=3

1156 b18 08/25 12:03:25 47259 OraChildProcess::WaitThread() - Wait failed; lastErr=3

1156 150 08/25 12:03:28 47259 ::ExecuteBrRestore() - After Begin wait...

1156 150 08/25 12:03:28 47259 ::ExecuteBrRestore() - wait failed...

1156 150 08/25 12:03:28 47259 OraChildProcess::ReadBuf() - Rman thread with HNDL=304 TID=2912 EC=259 was created

1156 b60 08/25 12:03:28 47259 OraChildProcess::ReadThread() - start: thread Id=2912

1156 b60 08/25 12:03:29 47259 OraChildProcess::ReadThread() - GETLASTERROR returned=109 (ret=0)

1156 150 08/25 12:03:29 47259 ::CloseJobResultsFile() - [47259] going to m_buResults.closeFile...

1156 150 08/25 12:03:29 47259 STORERESULTS: cleanUp: skipping jobResults cleanup. Another cleanup process is running

1156 150 08/25 12:03:29 47259 JOBRESULTSTABLE(C:\Program Files\CommVault\Simpana\iDataAgent\JobResults\CV_JobResults\2\0\47259\JobResults): removing copy 'C:\Program Files\CommVault\Simpana\iDataAgent\JobResults\CV_JobResults\2\0\47259'

1156 150 08/25 12:03:29 47259 ::CloseJobResultsFile() - [47259] m_buResults.closeFile() & cleanUp() succeeded.

1156 150 08/25 12:03:29 47259 OraChildProcess::Finalize() - start

1156 150 08/25 12:03:29 47259 OraChildProcess::~OraChildProcess() - enter

1156 150 08/25 12:03:29 47259 OraChildProcess::~OraChildProcess() - exit

1156 150 08/25 12:03:29 47259 ::ProcessComplete() - Sending ORA_MSG_RMAN_COMPLETE

1156 150 08/25 12:03:29 47259 Sending FAILED complete message to JM, 47259

1156 150 08/25 12:03:29 47259 ::ExecuteBrRestore() - sap BR*TOOL execution failed.

1156 150 08/25 12:03:29 47259 ::ExecuteBrRestore() - sap BR*TOOL execution failed.

1156 150 08/25 12:03:29 47259 ::ExecuteBrRestore() - m_jobObject->setPendingCause(sap BR*TOOL execution failed.

1156 150 08/25 12:03:29 47259 GetChannelParamFileName() - Channel Parameter File : C:\Program Files\CommVault\Simpana\Base\Temp\cv_channel_info47259

1156 150 08/25 12:03:29 47259 DeleteChannelParamFile() - Cleaned up channel parameter file

1156 150 08/25 12:03:29 47259 ::Close() - ClOraAgent Closed.

1156 150 08/25 12:03:29 47259 ::Finalize() - enter Parent=true

1156 150 08/25 12:03:29 47259 ::Finalize() - m_jobControl->finishedWorkWithoutExit() ...

1156 180 08/25 12:03:29 47259 CVJobCtrlLog::unregisterProcess(): successfuly removed file [C:\Program Files\CommVault\Simpana\Base\JobControl\1.156]

1156 150 08/25 12:03:29 47259 ::Finalize() - delete m_jobControl ...

1156 150 08/25 12:03:29 47259 ::CloseJobResultsFile() - [47259] going to m_buResults.closeFile...

1156 150 08/25 12:03:29 47259 STORERESULTS: cleanUp: skipping jobResults cleanup. Another cleanup process is running

1156 150 08/25 12:03:29 47259 JOBRESULTSTABLE(C:\Program Files\CommVault\Simpana\iDataAgent\JobResults\CV_JobResults\2\0\47259\JobResults): removing copy 'C:\Program Files\CommVault\Simpana\iDataAgent\JobResults\CV_JobResults\2\0\47259'

1156 150 08/25 12:03:29 47259 ::CloseJobResultsFile() - [47259] m_buResults.closeFile() & cleanUp() succeeded.

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