I applied the note on production system : 1856270 - Performance improvements for tables with single unique index, so SDBAD table has been converted to IOT.
Now, when I execute CheckDB from DB13 I obtain :
BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2014-08-12 18.00.38
BR0301W SQL error -1400 at location rz20_info_save-11, SQL statement:
'INSERT INTO "SAPSR3"."SDBAD" (BEG, FUNCT, POS, LINE) VALUES ('00000000000011', 'CSL', '0163', '20140812175800 0000000244 0000000000 2147483645 0000 I PSAPSR3 SAPSR3 SGOSHIST~0')'
ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ("SAPSR3"."SDBAD"."SYSID")
BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2014-08-12 18.00.38
Could you help me?