I'm facing ora-1555 during database export of database which has around 900 GB of data.
This error occurs 3 times, in these tables:
All tables contain RAWSTRING field.
First two are really small tables which contain XML and XSD data. Around 300 and 1000 records, both sizes smaller than 1 MB.
REPOSRC has approx. 2.5 mil. records and 2.2 GB in size.
I tried to resume export twice, always with same result. Export was run with SAP system down, last time I tried it with system up, but with no change.
I also read lot of information online, yet I don't know how to proceed. Especially because of error when processing such small tables so it looks like it is not an insufficient space issue - which is often discussed.
system has oracle parameters set:
undo_management = auto
undo_retention = 0
undo_tablespace = PSAPUNDO
PSAPUNDO has 111 GB and it is empty.
This is full error message:
DbSl Trace: OCI-call 'OCILobRead' failed with rc=1555 DbSl Trace: ORA-1555 occurred when reading from a LOB (EXP) ERROR: DbSlLobGetPiece failed rc = 99, table "SIXMLTST" (SQL error 1555) error message returned by DbSl: ORA-01555: snapshot too old: rollback segment number with name "" too small ORA-22924: snapshot too old (DB) INFO: disconnected from DB
Could you help me to fix this issue?
Is it possible to continue somehow without need to run export from scratch?