Hi Deepak/Folks,
Another question that I have is that while doing the Oracle Upgrade on an EP server, the patches were not installed properly and I had to shut down the Patches installation after it did not do anything for a while.
Now when I try to install the patches it fails telling me that the Installed patches cannot be verified, I had written to SAP and they told me to follow the
SAP note 1862446 - Inventory
load failed... OPatch cannot load inventory for the given Oracle Home
and re-create the oracle inventory.
This has also not helped in anyway.
Is there a solution to this problem.
Following is the error that I am getting when I try to Install the patches
Getting pre-run patch inventory...
Getting pre-run patch inventory...failed.
Cannot get pre-run patch inventory.
Refer to log file
when I open the log file specified here I get the following
more mopatch-2014_08_06-14-52-51.log
more /oracle/<SID>/11203/cfgtoollogs/mopatch/mopatch-2014_08_06-15-01-51.log
MOPatch - Install Multiple Oracle Patches in One Run - 2.1.15.
Copyright (c) 2007, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Version: 2.1.15
Command-line: /oracle/<SID>/11203/MOPatch/mopatch.sh -v -s SAP11203P_1312-20009978.zip
Oracle Home: /oracle/<SID>/11203
RDBMS version:
OPatch version:
Clean-up: supported
PSUs: supported
Log file: $ORACLE_HOME/cfgtoollogs/mopatch/mopatch-2014_08_06-15-01-51.log
Patch base: .
Patch source: SAP11203P_1312-20009978.zip
Link script: ./link.mts<SID>ua.sh
Readmes: <none>
Strpd. Readmes:<none>
make utility: /usr/ccs/bin/make
unzip utility: /oracle/<SID>/11203/bin/unzip
User name: ora<SID>
Working dir: /oracle/stage
System: HP-UX mts<SID>ua B.11.31 U ia64 2468369872 unlimited-user license
Disk free: 11734549 KBytes on /oracle/<SID>
Disk required: 886496 KBytes on /oracle/<SID>
Getting pre-run patch inventory...
executing: "/oracle/<SID>/11203/OPatch/opatch" lsinventory -retry 0 -xml "./mopatch-187-21696-tmpdir/preinv.xml"
Oracle Interim Patch Installer version
Copyright (c) 2012, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
Oracle Home : /oracle/<SID>/11203
Central Inventory : /oracle/<SID>/oraInventory
from : /oracle/<SID>/11203/oraInst.loc
OPatch version :
OUI version :
Log file location : /oracle/<SID>/11203/cfgtoollogs/opatch/opatch2014-08-06_15-01-56PM_1.log
List of Homes on this system:
Inventory load failed... OPatch cannot load inventory for the given Oracle Home.
Possible causes are:
Oracle Home dir. path does not exist in Central Inventory
Oracle Home is a symbolic link
Oracle Home inventory is corrupted
LsInventorySession failed: OracleHomeInventory gets null oracleHomeInfo
OPatch failed with error code 73
Getting pre-run patch inventory...failed.
Cannot get pre-run patch inventory. Exiting.
I would appreciate if you folks can help me out on this