Has anyone had an issues with table EDI40 when trying to use the partitioning engine?
This table is one of those that requires "inspection" before the partitions can be calculated. When you click "calculate", you see this message:
Required table data are missing. Data will be
collected in a batch job. Please start batch job
with button "Inspect Table".
On prior tables, this was not an issue. When "inspect" is clicked, you are presented with run options (foreground, background), and when the inspect job finishes, you then return and do a calculation as normal.
However, for table EDI40, when you click "inspect", it presents the run options, and even runs (verified in SM37), but when you return to the table, it presents again with an "inspect" dialog and run option as if the inspect never ran. This is the only table where this is a problem.
I have not found any references to this table in the notes other than those that discuss conversion of field types. I don't see any errors or warning in the job logs either. Could this be a specific bug?
Thanks in advance.