Hello colleagues,
I have a problem in our system, caused by two update process that were running from April, 1st. These two processes collapsed the rest of update process, and there was a large list of erroneous update request. The problem was solved killing those process.
The kernel version is EHP6 FOR SAP ERP 6.0 720 Sup.Pkg lvl. 500
In transaction sm21 show this error,
11:13:16 DIA 036 000 SAPSYS RD 2 SSF_KRN_SIGN_BY_AS: Kernel Error 205 Occurred
11:13:18 DIA 036 000 SAPSYS RD 2 SSF_KRN_SIGN_BY_AS: Kernel Error 205 Occurred
11:13:18 DIA 036 000 SAPSYS RD 2 SSF_KRN_SIGN_BY_AS: Kernel Error 205 Occurred
Can you help me?