Hello friends,
I am having some problems and would like to have your help, since this is new for me, I will appreciate your patient help.
I am seeing the following on ST22, and would like to know if it is a memory issue or a bad programming, and how can I change the system memory parameters if needed in sap
how to correct the error
The amount of storage space (in bytes) filled
Roll area...................... 2718352
Extended memory (EM)........... 2002752448
Assigned memory (HEAP)......... 2000032144
Short area..................... " "
Paging area.................... 24576
Maximum address space.......... " "
Memory consumption
Roll.... 2718352
EM...... 2002752448
Heap.... 2000032144
Page.... 24576
MM Used. 3991283584
MM Free. 144992
thank you kindly ,
please let me know If you need more info