Hi All,
We would like to start using SUM (Software Update Manager 1.0 SP09) but according to the oracle additional information sap note (1843967) "Support for the Oracle db client 10.x terminated - use 11.2 instead"
So I have read SAP note 819829 - Oracle Instant Client Installation and Configuration on Unix version 71, but am little confused as to where the instant client should go. It seems to contradict itself by first saying 11.2.0.x /oracle/client/11x_<wordsize>/instantclient_<rel> with a symbolic link to instantclient
Then it gives the example /oracle/client/10x_64/instantclient -> instantclient_11203
Then in the section Perform the following steps for manually installing a new version of the Oracle Instant Client:
For 11.2.0.x
mkdir -p /oracle/client/11x_64 (if it doesn't exist already)
cd /oracle/client/11x_64
SAPCAR -xvf OCL11264.SAR
ln -s instantclient_11203 instantclient
So what is it I am supposed to do if I am running Oracle and currently Instant Client