BRBackup failed due to insufficient previliges. Plese advise.
10.01.2014 11:00:02 Job started
10.01.2014 11:00:02 Step 001 started (program RSDBAJOB,
variant &0000000000474, user ID RR01)
10.01.2014 11:00:02 Execute logical command BRARCHIVE On
10.01.2014 11:00:02 Parameters:-u / -jid
LOG__20140108110000 -c force -p initsop.sap -sd
10.01.2014 11:00:03 BR0002I BRARCHIVE 7.00 (52)
10.01.2014 11:00:03 BR0006I Start of offline redo log
processing: aemyhkog.svd 2014-01-10 11.00.02
10.01.2014 11:00:03 BR0484I BRARCHIVE log file:
10.01.2014 11:00:03 BR0280I BRARCHIVE time stamp: 2014-01-
10 11.00.03
10.01.2014 11:00:03 BR0301E SQL error -1031 at location
BrInitOraCreate-2, SQL statement:
10.01.2014 11:00:03 'CONNECT / AT PROF_CONN IN SYSOPER MODE'
10.01.2014 11:00:03 ORA-01031: insufficient privileges
10.01.2014 11:00:03 BR0303E Determination of Oracle version
10.01.2014 11:00:03
10.01.2014 11:00:03 BR0007I End of offline redo log
processing: aemyhkog.svd 2014-01-10 11.00.03
10.01.2014 11:00:03 BR0280I BRARCHIVE time stamp: 2014-01-
10 11.00.03
10.01.2014 11:00:03 BR0005I BRARCHIVE terminated with errors
10.01.2014 11:00:03 External program terminated with exit
code 3
10.01.2014 11:00:03 BRARCHIVE returned error status E
10.01.2014 11:00:03 Job finished