Hi guys. I've been having the same problem for the last few days. The application and DB (Oracle) are located on different servers, SAP gateway is installed on the server with the database. When I try to update DB13 statistics it comes up with the following log:
Date Time Message 06.03.2009 10:24:47 Job started 06.03.2009 10:24:47 Step 001 started (program RSDBAJOB, variant &0000000000032, user ID SVA) 06.03.2009 10:24:48 Execute logical command BRCONNECT On host sap-dup 06.03.2009 10:24:48 Parameters: -u / -jid STATS20090306102447 -c -f stats -t ALL 06.03.2009 10:24:48 BR0801I BRCONNECT 7.00 (40) 06.03.2009 10:24:48 BR0805I Start of BRCONNECT processing: ceablvkp.sta 2009-03-06 10.24.47 06.03.2009 10:24:48 BR0484I BRCONNECT log file: F:\oracle\SID\sapcheck\ceablvkp.sta 06.03.2009 10:24:48 BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2009-03-06 10.24.47 06.03.2009 10:24:48 BR0301E SQL error -1017 at location db_connect-2,SQL statement: 06.03.2009 10:24:48 CONNECT /' 06.03.2009 10:24:48 ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied 06.03.2009 10:24:48 BR0310E Connect to database instance SID failed 06.03.2009 10:24:48 BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2009-03-06 10.24.47 06.03.2009 10:24:48 BR0301E SQL error -1017 at location db_connect-2,SQL statement: 06.03.2009 10:24:48 CONNECT /' 06.03.2009 10:24:48 ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied 06.03.2009 10:24:48 BR0310E Connect to database instance SID failed 06.03.2009 10:24:48 06.03.2009 10:24:48 BR0806I End of BRCONNECT processing: ceablvkp.sta2009-03-06 10.24.47 06.03.2009 10:24:48 BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2009-03-06 10.24.47 06.03.2009 10:24:48 BR0804I BRCONNECT terminated with errors 06.03.2009 10:24:48 External program terminated with exit code 3 06.03.2009 10:24:48 BRCONNECT returned error status E 06.03.2009 10:24:48 Job finished
I don't understand why the service can't log into the database. Any suggestions?